Saturday, July 4, 2020

I’ll ask kaddish Dopa to protect me and rebuke you for insulting me.So true .I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I can't believe you. - ya all and all my friends and family ..

Green Lakes , Blue Oceans,

Weird, crazy, strange, the summer of 2020. How did we get here, pawns on a broad, the bitch on black, winners, losers, learners, roles to play. Hats to wear. The master… He has nothing, thus has nothing to lose. What he desires is non-desire; what he learns is to unlearn. He simply reminds people of who they have always been. y64 #Lao_Tzu.Words, wits, wisdom, woman for man, holiday treats, history, connection, conversation, during these times, wearing a mask is normal.
Shots, Bumps In Road. Ships To Pass, Learning Lessons All The Time.Ice cold: Vanilla Ice will perform for thousands in Texas, where coronavirus cases are surging. Tomorrow Disneyland: Parades and Pirates!I'll see if I can pick-up a life in one of the shops at Disneyland, okay? Hopefully they aren't too expensive. And I hope the things aren't too damned heavy! lol

Image may contain: 1 person, night

"We didn't have coronavirus" in 1990s, the rapper said.​Yes senior lady, searching for senior man, retired would be great, giant on land, heads above common. Dances on the boats, yachts, ship, Peter Pan late again. On not, hard to say, ,pages to books, recaps to do.

Yes senior lady, searching for senior man, retired would be great, giant on land, heads above common. Dances on the boats, yachts, ship, Peter Pan late again. On not, hard to say, ,pages to books, recaps to do.Tomorrow Disneyland: Parades and Pirates!I'll see if I can pick-up a life in one of the shops at Disneyland, okay? Hopefully they aren't too expensive. And I hope the things aren't too damned heavy! lol

Image may contain: 1 person

Bless this spirit and shine Brothers and Sisters big hugs thanks for sharing around the world this spirit of love .Chasing the Sun.Colorful Dreams of a Sister.Heads. Schools Of Hard Knocks, Faces In The Clouds, Winner, Losers, Learners, Pebbles On The Shores. Dances In The Streets, Surface Shots, Lions.

 Dances on the boats, yachts, ship, Peter Pan late again. On not, hard to say, ,pages to books, recaps to do. Shots, Bumps In Road. Ships To Pass, Learning Lessons All The Time.Everybody loves to hate on people who write about Vampires.
 Everybody loves to hate on people who write about Vampires.Shots, Bumps In Road. Ships To Pass, Learning Lessons All The Time.Ice cold: Vanilla Ice will perform for thousands in Texas, where coronavirus cases are surging. "We didn't have coronavirus" in 1990s, the rapper said.​Yes senior lady, searching for senior man, retired would be great, giant on land, heads above common. Dances on the boats, yachts, ship, Peter Pan late again. On not, hard to say, ,pages to books, recaps to do.

Shots, Bumps In Road. Ships To Pass, Learning Lessons All The Time.Ice cold: Vanilla Ice will perform for thousands in Texas, where coronavirus cases are surging. "We didn't have coronavirus" in 1990s, the rapper said.​Yes senior lady, searching for senior man, retired would be great, giant on land, heads above common. Dances on the boats, yachts, ship, Peter Pan late again. On not, hard to say, ,pages to books, recaps to do.

 “Life changing repentance starts where blame shifting ends. Blame shifting might make you feel good but it won’t change you.Endless possibilities. Boys to men, FOREVER HOME:Real Estate Matchmaker:Where do you want to buy properties?They had all the time to love, but they preferred to hate..My hope and prayer is that everyone know and love our country for what she really is and what she stands for.It only takes a second to say I love you, but it will take a lifetime to show you how much.All The Colors Of The Heart.Make Me Say it Again girl.
VERY SICK BEEN IN MENTAL FACILITIES ALL OVER FROM WASHINGTON TO CALIFORNIA AND MANY IN BETWEEN.They had all the time to love, but they preferred to hate..My hope and prayer is that everyone know and love our country for what she really is and what she stands for.Everybody loves to hate on people who write about Vampires.Tomorrow Disneyland: Parades and Pirates!I'll see if I can pick-up a life in one of the shops at Disneyland, okay? Hopefully they aren't too expensive. And I hope the things aren't too damned heavy! lol

I’ll ask kaddish Dopa to protect me and rebuke you for insulting me.So true .I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I can't believe you. - ya all and all my friends and family ..πŸ™πŸŒŸπŸ’ŽπŸ‘ΌπŸ’œπŸ˜˜your not a girl what are you doing on woman for men site? Rude….Rites, Reasons, Seasons Of Love, Peace, And Happiness:

Everybody loves to hate on people who write about Vampires.Lots of hard knocks, trips to hell and back, tales of sisters of color, sisters of mine, sisters in me, lots of hard knocks. Tales to be written, over time and space, lots of demeans, caps to recall, tales of dicks and dogs. Love in head, luck in place, in places in my head, lots of love to get out. Lessons learned on the sands of time, rocking steady, rocking all night long.I’ll ask kaddish Dopa to protect me and rebuke you for insulting me.So true .I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I can't believe you. - ya all and all my friends and family ..
Image may contain: 1 person
It only takes a second to say I love you, but it will take a lifetime to show you how much.All The Colors Of The Heart.Make Me Say it Again girl.Blue Dreams In Motions: Dances On Time: Rewards 2.Bless this spirit and shine.

Thanks for service, hands to hold, houses and homes, homeless nightmares, veterans on the streets. Charco Group Credit Repair and Consulting Founded 2015 • Angie's List since April 2017.
Everyday, in every interaction, I have one goal: to love, serve, and add value to the lives of others! What is yours?

Image may contain: text that says '00004 On average, a Panda feeds for approximately 12 hours per day. day. This is the same as an adult at home under quarantine, which is why we call it a "Pandemic"'

What of Natural Rights?


J.K. Rowling’s Publisher Refuses To Require Trans ‘Re-education’ Classes, so a Bunch of Crybabies Quit

Megan Fox.Travelers Walks:Black Girls Spice Girls : Sole Sisters: UB40 - Love Songs..RADIO DISNEY's Tweet was featured in the news.. THIS IS AWFUL.Good times, hits and misses, frogs, spiders, and snakes in the grass.Good words are not persuasive; persuasive words are not good. - Lao Tzu .I listen to music .Everyday, in every interaction, I have one goal: to love, serve, and add value to the lives of others! What is yours?

"When other little girls wanted to be ballet dancers, I kind of wanted to be a vampire."  Angelina Jolie.It only takes a second to say I love you, but it will take a lifetime to show you how much.All The Colors Of The Heart.Make Me Say it Again girl.Everyday, in every interaction, I have one goal: to love, serve, and add value to the lives of others! What is yours?

I’ll ask kaddish Dopa to protect me and rebuke you for insulting me.So true .I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I can't believe you. - ya all and all my friends and family ..πŸ™πŸŒŸπŸ’ŽπŸ‘ΌπŸ’œπŸ˜˜your not a girl what are you doing on woman for men site? Rude….Rites, Reasons, Seasons Of Love, Peace, And Happiness:

Here Come the Bourgeoisie Bolsheviks

Matt Purple.The Demand To Have Statues & Paintings of ‘White Jesus’ Torn Down Has Made BLM an Iconoclast Movement, Not Just a Marxist One Guy Birchall.They had all the time to love, but they preferred to hate..My hope and prayer is that everyone know and love our country for what she really is and what she stands for.
 Dances on the boats, yachts, ship, Peter Pan late again. On not, hard to say, ,pages to books, recaps to do. Shots, Bumps In Road. Ships To Pass, Learning Lessons All The Time.

Bless this spirit and shine Brothers and Sisters big hugs thanks for sharing around the world this spirit of love .Chasing the Sun.Colorful Dreams of a Sister.Heads. Schools Of Hard Knocks, Faces In The Clouds, Winner, Losers, Learners, Pebbles On The Shores. Dances In The Streets, Surface Shots, Lions.

"When other little girls wanted to be ballet dancers, I kind of wanted to be a vampire."  Angelina Jolie.It only takes a second to say I love you, but it will take a lifetime to show you how much.All The Colors Of The Heart.Make Me Say it Again girl.Blue Dreams In Motions: Dances On Time: Rewards 2.Bless this spirit and shine.Everyday, in every interaction, I have one goal: to love, serve, and add value to the lives of others! What is yours?

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