Friday, July 17, 2020

To get different perspectives-the more, the better.Lessons Learned Gifts to Share.

Image may contain: 1 person, standing, shoes, tree and outdoor

Empathy Map Worksheet The empathy map starts by filling in this key question: Our customers (users/clients) need a better way to ____________ because ______________. The “because” in that statement is crucial! Create your version in the spaces below: Our customers need a better way. To get different perspectives-the more, the better.Lessons Learned Gifts to Share.

Because houses and homes for transitional veterans are not available, on one hand, the funds are there, but the houses are not. Our solution is to help them get into homes. To assist with the paperwork,  and give them services to continue to grow, expand, and explore. 

Because, notices are not given, and there are so many opportunities available. Recover, money from the overage created, from the sale of their houses, after foreclosure. To get different perspectives-the more, the better.Lessons Learned Gifts to Share.

"It's Like Creating Money Out of Thin Air!"To get different perspectives-the more, the better.Lessons Learned Gifts to Share.

Chuck Moore's photo.

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